Molly Higgins (Nottingham Forest LFC (Reserves))
Full Name : Molly Higgins
Position : Midfielder
Nickname : Mol
Hometown : Nottingham
Nationality : English
Date of Birth : 15th October 1997
Height : 5ft 6"
Football Career History:
Began playing with Sherwood FC at 7 for 3 seasons before then moving to Nottingham United for 1 season. Then moved to Nottingham Forest Ladies FC at 11 and have played with them ever since.
Football Career Highlight
Winning the English Schools National Tournament in 2013/14
Player of the season for Sherwood FC 2006/07 & 2007/08
Player of the season for Nottingham United and Nottingham Schools 2008/09
Nottingham Forest Ladies most improved 2011/2012
Nottingham Forest Ladies treble champs seasons 2012/13 and 2013/14
Nottingham Forest Ladies Players player 2012/2013
Football Club History
Sherwood FC 2005-2008
Nottingham Schools 2006-2009
Nottingham United 2008-2009
Nottinghamshire Player Development Squad 2012-2013
Nottinghamshire representative squad 2011-2012 and 2013-2014
Nottingham Forest Ladies FC 2009-Current
Sponsor for the 2014-2015 Season: 
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